About the Channel

The reporting channel, also called the ombudsman channel, is one of the main tools for detecting compliance irregularities in an organization. It must allow employees, suppliers, customers and any interested party in a business to report, anonymously and securely, situations such as harassment, corruption, fraud and other illegal acts.

In addition to allowing the reporting of these cases, our channel is also available to clarify doubts about the Code of Conduct, compliance policies and procedures in a confidential manner. Therefore, do not hesitate to use this tool to protect the organization's business.

Within the tool you can also test your knowledge before making a report, answering a quick quiz with objective questions. It is important that you know the content of our compliance program before reporting a situation.

When making a report, you will receive a code through which you can track the status of the investigation. This code is unique, non-transferable and cannot be lost or passed on to third parties. Any time you remember additional information, you can also supplement your initial report to help us investigate the case.

Main advantages

  • Helps prevent illicit activities by detecting irregularities;
  • Reacts quickly by conducting investigations by a specialized team;
  • Provides security and confidentiality to the whistleblower;
  • It is impartial because it is an external solution;
  • Generates dashboards and monitoring reports for compliance;
  • Meets the legal requirements of Law 12,846/13 and Decree 8,420/15.